Wellbeing Team
At Walhampton, we acknowledge that supporting wellbeing is everyone’s responsibility. Parents should be confident that their child’s emotional needs are an absolute priority. As well as caring teaching, a dedicated pastoral team of tutors, Heads of Section and a Deputy Head Pastoral, the School employ two Emotional Literacy Support Assistants who work closely with children to provide an important additional layer of pastoral care. Issues such as anger, anxiety, family changes, grief or friendship problems are worked through with play, art, gentle conversation, listening and supporting strategies.

Medical Team
The school has a well-equipped medical centre where children can go at any time for minor treatment this is based in the main prep school building. There is always a medical nurse on site for matches and the School also retains the services of a local doctor who advises us a required. We have both full and part time medical staff and, in additional to these specialist staff, many members of staff are trained in First Aid with some receiving higher level pediatric and other specialist training too.
If a boarding pupil is unwell or injured, the School provides suitable accommodation within the boarding house to meet the needs of the pupil. This is always adequality staff by appropriately qualified personnel and the local doctor will be on standby if required.