Kite Children

Holiday Camps 

Walhampton Holiday Camps

To help support busy, working families and indeed those looking to keep children entertained, Walhampton are delighted to offer a range of holiday activity camps.  Our camps offer a variety of engaging, purposeful and of course fun activities. We utilise both our internal classrooms and facilities as well as our expansive grounds to ensure there is plenty of variety for the children, whatever the weather.

We aim to support families with children from Nursery through to Year 8, with age appropriate activities and groupings, during each holiday period. Sometimes there will be a particular theme or specialised activity, with information released in advance of each holiday for sign ups. Friends of Walhampton are also welcome to join us.

For further information about our next holiday camp please contact Alyson on

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We know how busy family life can be and to further support parents and children during the holiday period we are thrilled to introduce our exclusive Holiday Club for Pre-Prep children Nursery to Y2 and Prep children Y3 to Y8 at Walhampton School.

While we will have a plan in place, we always follow the unique interests and needs of each child, ensuring a truly personalised experience. For our older group, friends and family of Walhampton pupils are also welcome to join in the fun! To register non-Walhampton children, please email us at for a separate form. 

We look forward to welcoming your little fun seeker to a magical and memorable two days with us!

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