13 Jun 2022
Celebrating Eco Day
What a brilliant way to start this year's Eco Day. There was plenty of curiosity from across our year groups as we talked, shared and listened to how we can all help to save our planet. As part of our Eco Day to launch our Carbon Zero pledge, we welcomed author Mattea Pauc of Re-Educating Earthlings plus entomologist Dr George McGavin.
Thank you to the parents and local community who supported the Green Market Place with stalls from local businesses as well as electric bikes and smoothie bikes, bee conservation, upcycling and electric vehicles.
Today in a special Chapel Assembly, we renew our pledge to be Carbon Zero by 2030. As a School we are ambitious in our target of not only achieving carbon neutrality, but to be carbon zero within the next eight years.
Our aim has always been to live greener and educate the pupils and wider community on their responsibility to our beautiful school grounds and the planet. At Walhampton we do not see the environment as a bolt-on to the curriculum, it is embedded in all aspects of the learning journey and we are proud to be recognised as an Eco School with Green Flag status.
It’s been a motivational day to keep us inspired for our Carbon Zero pledge.